A practical guide to a balanced life

Once in a while, we feel like everything is going wrong in our life. Nothing is going right, everything is out of sync. Well, that means we've lost balance in our daily lives. How to find it?

Not easy, especially when you are in the juice over the head. When you feel overwhelmed, it's normal not to know how to regain control. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be complicated.

In a few simple steps, it is very easy to regain your balance. No need to tear your hair out. Just plan a little and embrace the unexpected on our way.

Here is your simple little guide to finding a balanced life.

1. S’organiser

Well, maybe I'm a bit tiring with this, but it's really important! If you don't have a planner, journal or diary. You need to get one now. I also built a all-in-one guide to help you find the perfect planner.

When looking for a fresh start, getting organized is a good idea. In order to find more balance in our lives, we must plan our schedule, set our goals and set aside time for ourselves.

When we are organized, especially with the help of a planner, we are able to establish our goals and accomplish them. It's also a great way to keep up to date with our appointments and to-do list. No chance of missing a deadline or an important event by getting organized.

It's nice to have an all-in-one planner. It saves a lot of planning time. For now, I use the one.

Still not convinced? Here are 9 reasons to get organized now!

2. Take care of yourself

If you are in poor health. We can't accomplish anything. This is why you must put it at the center of your priorities. How to live a balanced life if we don't feel good in our body/mind? We have to take time out of the week to take care of ourselves.

Move, eat well, rest. These are all things that can consume a lot of our time. If you want to achieve balance, you have to clean up your schedule so that you have time to do these things. Taking care of your health does not have to be expensive, here are 6 ways to improve your health without breaking your little piggy!

Many of us believe that we can let go without too many consequences. Be careful… an unhealthy lifestyle can catch up with us very quickly and exhaustion is within everyone’s reach.

Identify the activities in your life that make you feel good and make time in your schedule to devote to them. It's essential.

3. Expect the unexpected

" Go with the flow ". We must stop stressing ourselves unnecessarily for the unexpected. They are inevitable. Stressing over things beyond our control eats away at our energy. Our wifi could crash, there could be traffic jams on the road, our dog could eat a poisonous plant and get sick. And what can we do about it? These are real possibilities and you have to learn to live with them.

Accepting that anything can happen at any time is to optimize your ability to adapt. You will be much less surprised by the unexpected when they arise since you will be able to modify your game plan easily!

It is certain that there will be times when it will be more difficult to achieve balance. More serious issues can and do arise. In these cases, there are not 56,000 solutions. You have to take the time to do what needs to be done. It’s okay, know that this situation is temporary and you will be back to normal soon.

4. Cultivate the Abundance Mindset

We are all abundant! Time and resources are plentiful and never will be. This is the mindset we need to adopt. In order to find balance in our life, we must get rid of limiting beliefs who tell us that we are running out of time. We have all the time in the world to live a balanced life.

We also need to celebrate learning, because it never stops. This learning leads to our growth and increases its ability to face challenges. By cultivating our spirit of learning and abundance, our way of approaching challenges changes. Instead of seeing everything as a mountain, we approach it as a new opportunity to learn!

With the right state of mind, it is very easy to keep balance in our daily lives.

5. Practice mindfulness

Living intentionally, becoming aware of our present moment… is essential in order to live a balanced life. Indeed, practicing mindfulness can help you significantly reduce your stress and therefore live a more balanced life. It is also a great way to adopt a positive and grateful attitude towards everything around us. More importantly, it feels good.

It feels good to stop and become aware of what is happening around us now. Not before, not tomorrow: Now. Having your head at work when you're with your family or thinking about last night during our morning meeting happens to all of us. On the other hand, if we are constantly stuck in this vicious circle, we miss out on our life.

Finding balance in our lives means taking the time. It is also necessary to know how to practice a certain letting go to be in full consciousness. If we have difficulty letting go and letting go of our sources of stress (even if only for a moment), it will be very difficult to lead a healthy life.

Take full advantage of your life and the present moment. It's about finding the balance.

6. Maintain your social life

Don't leave your friends because you are busy. If you're like me, constantly overwhelmed and on top of that introverted. It can be very easy to neglect your social life.

Listen, it's normal to have passes where you're busier and don't necessarily have a lot of time to give to others. I also admit that the last two years of the pandemic have not helped in this area… That is correct. But make sure you don't let your loved ones down.

When you can, be proactive about your friendships. Do you have a lighter schedule in the coming weeks? Do you feel like seeing your friends? Take the lead! It's hard to match schedules sometimes, but when we have something planned, we have so much fun!

It's very simple, but seeing your friends allows you to escape a little and forget your troubles. We're having fun with friends, that's all! Good way to release the pressure and come back energized, ready to face our responsibilities!

Are you ready to live a balanced life?

The best way to live a balanced life is to combine all the tips in this guide. If you are afraid of not having time to implement everything at once. No problem, just start with one or two steps to see a real difference!




The Sunshine Suitcase

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