Self-construction of our house, our story

By Blue Latte Blog

Entry 2 - June 15 to July 26, slowly but surely

Already the second entry in the self-build series of our house.

So far, it's progressing slowly but surely. As I mentioned in the last article, the excavation took much longer than expected. A job that was initially estimated at 3 working days took almost two months to complete.

When we thought we were finally done with digging. The “chicane” got caught between the surveyor and the excavator. Apparently, the plan of the house would not be quite correct in relation to reality and the hole in the house was not deep enough. It was already long enough to dig that hole, I can tell you that I was not very happy to learn that he had to dig even more!

Eventually he dug some more and almost a month and a half after he started digging, it was done.

The foundation pouring went well. I had a little scare when I saw the size of the house, but it always looks smaller when it's at this stage.

Finally the well! It was quick! It took 3 days and the well was finished, just before the construction holidays, it's perfect.

Supposedly, there is a lot of water and we didn't have to dig as deep as we thought, so that reduces the bill.

Psst. For more sneak peak on what's going on day to day with the house, follow me on Instagram, I post all updates there.

Next step

At the moment, we are on a short break since it is the construction holiday. Work will resume in early August with the framework.

The exciting part of self-build begins! I look forward to keeping you posted.

See you soon!