37 questions to help you express gratitude on a daily basis

Expressing gratitude for your daily life is a big step towards a fulfilling life. It might not show, but we take a lot of our day-to-day life for granted. Yet we are so lucky!

It is important to take the time to stop and observe our surroundings. What brings us happiness? As you know, the law of attraction is very simple. It's like karma, you reap what you sow. So why not boost it by feeling gratitude and happiness towards our daily lives? This is the best way to attract all the beautiful things we want in our life: by living with intention and gratitude.

You already have everything you need and you attract everything you want, by expressing this gratitude.

We understand the whole concept of being grateful for the things around us. It's one thing to think it, it's another to feel it. That's why I've put together a little list of 37 questions to help you really feel your gratitude. Choose the questions that resonate the most with you and incorporate them into your morning routine!

Express gratitude with questions

  • If I wanted to be grateful, what could I be grateful for?
  • What's going on in my life that I don't have to think about?
  • What do I feel lucky to have that others may not have?
  • How to say thank you more often?
  • What do I take for granted that makes me grateful?
  • How is my life different today than it was a year ago? How can I be grateful for these changes?
  • What have I learned recently that has improved my life?
  • What life experience (good or bad) have I had that I am grateful for?
  • What relationships are you grateful for?
  • What aspect of your physical health do you feel grateful for?
  • What are you looking forward to in your future?
  • What have others done in your life that makes you grateful?
  • How can I help others today or soon?
  • How have my spiritual beliefs or practices fulfilled me recently?
  • How can I help people more?
  • What made me appreciate my city, province or country today?
  •  Who was nice to me today?
  • What is the most delicious thing I ate today?
  • What weakness have I been able to work on today?
  • How was my body an ally today?
  • What's the good side of something that went wrong today?
  • What made you laugh or smile today?
  • What have you liked about your work recently?
  • What movie, book, blog or article has improved your life recently?
  • How did I advance one of my important goals today?
  • What can I say positive about today's temperature?
  • How have I been indulgent with myself today?
  • How many of your basic needs do you not have to worry about meeting today?
  • What's the best thing about your home and have you taken the time to enjoy it recently?
  • What inspires me in nature and why?
  • What positive habits have I adopted today?
  • What negative habits have I been able to avoid today?
  • What fun can I do later today?
  • What beauty did I see today?
  • When did I feel a sense of abundance today?
  • What positive emotions did I feel today?
  • How has technology made my life easier today?

    Download the printable version!

    Have you chosen your favorite questions? Try them for 1 month, then come back to this list to choose more. It’s good to vary our questions once in a while.

    Instead of constantly coming back to Bleu Latte to find the list, I advise you to download it in a printable version. That way, you can have it with you at all times on your computer or in hard copy!


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